26 April 2011

Burst into tears

i can't make it.

somehow i can foresee this might happen.. but at the same time.. i do put hope that.. who knows... its my luck..( since a lot of ppl wish me good luck) i will get through this interview..

after all... things happen for a reason..rite..? maybe.. Allah has a bigger plan to me..

xleh blah situasi kat meeting room td... En.Bashir: we will definitely call u for the next interview.. ~ ak agak blur kat situ.. like... errr... so.. i can't pursue my LLB this year?.. ya.. begitulah nmpak ny... then poof!... mata ak dah berkaca2 dah kat situ...then mami hug me..calm me down... hadoi.. malu nyer ak!!!!!! emosi ak mmg break down time tu.. dgn mlm td nye hal... semak!..semak!... bawak la smpai ke siang... org yg paling tention dgn ak..Farouq... ~ sorry Mok...i know u pissed off with me... hmm... ntah2 Tuhan nk ak smbung dgn ko kot....kita sambung sesama ye mok.. bosan la ak kalu xde geng nnt...

apa pun.. trima kasih kpd semua yg mendoakn ak..minta maaf kalu ak ngecewakan.. mugkin xde rezki thn ni.. atau mugkin juga... undang-undang bkn takdir ak...

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