07 January 2013

Thanks Korang !!!!

Alhamdulilah... Tadi.. (kira semlam la kan 6 Jan dlm pukul 8 mlm gitu) ak g makan... eleh itu pun nk citer kan.. lek r... ak g makan dgn Mok dan Aifaa.. so... bersama org kanan dan kiri ak... Gosh... lama xlepak bertiga mcm ni... sgt2 rindu... yeah.. rindu terubat... memang open table.. byk bde citer... ak balik pukul 1130 tadi.. and akhirnya.. berjaya gak ak bg baju tu kat Mok.. heheheh... (thn lepas ak beli.. thn ni br dpt bg.. hui..)

Sekali.. dah gelak2 bagai..puas kena kan ak..  ak citer current issue yg berlaku... ahah.. hmm.. dah tau dah reaksi diorang.. pantang kalu ak rise up that particular isu... but.. Alhamdulilah... they accept it... and of course berbakul2 warning ak dapat dan .. hmmm... most important.. thanks cuz stand by me korang... thanks for the permission,, thanks cuz care.. thanks cuz worried.. woi... jerawat ak naik 6 bjik kot gara2 benda ni... hahahha... saja xnak bgtau face to face... obviously kalu dah naik jerawat bersepah2 mcm ni confirm involve dgn history lama ak... 

InsyaAllah.. i'm gonna b okay since u guys thought me well.. i'm not gonna let everyone disappointed especially myself... we have gone through this with tears .. i'm gonna make it worth it... thanks again cuz believe in me... 

I heart korang sesangat!!!! God bless..