15 May 2012

Bersawang dah

Oh my!!! yuhuuuuu!!! u ols!!! ada baik kah?? having fun till now? Great!

ok.. dah tgh bulan ye... like what.. 15 May okay.. mcm bz sgt je ek smpai xter-update...heheh.. that was the name stand for Look Like Busy (LLB)..

well.. ada 2,3, citer ak nk share dlm masa beberapa minit ni... er... prasaan tak awal bulan hari tu bulan sgt cantik? ye... ak prasan, sbb ms tu ak nk g tgk movie.. heheh... Avengers u ols... korang dah tgk? best x? haaa.. i reserved my comments on that movie.. oh ye... bulan ni jugak.. a few rules/ prinsip ak break.. ok... some of it, agak menarik.. some of it... huhuhu.. ak sgt nyesal PONTENG kelas hari tu... the whole day ak xdtg.. rasa bertambah2 kosong otak ak... jadi adik2... jgn ponteng kelas ok... not worth it... but, before the day end, i met Mok.. i dun expect it actually.. hahah.. 10x for the supper bro!

ada gak plan2 yg mmg serabut r.. jadi xjadi.. last2.. turn up something else... which... agak pleasant pd ak.. heee.. a few celebrations for this month.. cakes... weee...

overall, level happy ak dgn down ak.. at par... down ak xyah r ak citer kat sini... ye dak? oh.. ye.. besok.. ktorang nk smbut teacher's day.. sweet kan? ak xdpt nk imagine mcm ne keadaan esok... blur.. as if we hav plenty of time... all is well.. kan Mir?
Ye, semakin chubby... sekian.. utk makluman

Jaga kesihatan ye u ols..!!!! skg musim sakit ni.. bubye..!!!

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