06 September 2010

I screwed it up

There is no other person to be blame of only me, myself and i.

The whole 24 hr is really sux for me.. start with the cute pendrive corrupted where all the memories, was keep in there.. I have no backup for that.. only few was kept in the lappy. My bad.

Then, I send msg to him.. asking whether he has a copy for that.. im x really sure he has it or x.. cuz..as far as im concerned.. ak deleted dah semua hr tu.. tp gatal gak tny..syg giler ak kt gmbar2 tu semua..

Pas subuh..ak soh angah taip surat ak.. yeah my bad..sbb ak smbung tido..sedar2 dah lmbt, ngalabah print.. bila dah siap..menjerit ak.. nm UiTM salah..argh… again.. yg ak xtaip sndiri p ekes kn.. ptt bersyukur la kn ada org taip kn surat ak tu.. kerana itu..ak xleh nk marah… sbb… bende ni slh ak dari mula.. print lak merajok ap ntah.. dia print 1 tu je..pastu buat prangai.. mmg.. bagus la kn.. ak dah mereng sorang2 dah td.. keep blaming my self… stupid..

Then got a call from him.. asking me to check out my email.. I did.. and what a surprise..he did have those pix!!! Weh.. touching habis ak.. sumpah..if he was infront me that time.. mmg ak xoxo dgn dia..

Tp kn..sbb ego yg maha tinggi ngalah kn bangunan pencakar langit yg ada kt dunia ni.. I dun say THANK YOU in a gud manner.. instant of saying tenkiu, ak tny: xsangka u have it.. jumpa kat mana? Bangag x cr ak ckp trimas?? mmg bangag xleh ampun !!!!

At the same time ak on fb.. then saw him on9, changing his profile pic.. got 1 pic,, babe.. ko tgk pun kn.. sure jato ht nyer.. the feeling was the same when I saw him layan udin.. and again.. bcuz I was so moron.. idiot.. lack of IQ.. ak gatal komen kat pix tu… suppose want to tease him.. but I forgot 1 think.. he don’t spend much time with me before, so.. he thought.. I’m being so sarcastic. Basically its totally my fault.. he was x the default party.. but bcuz of my so bangang of comments, he got scolded by the baby’s mom..

Mmg ak sentap habis ms tu.. kalu ak bole putar kn masa kembali.. pasti semua ni xjadi.. kesian dia.. penat dia cari gambar2 tu semua.. end up.. free je kn dia kena mrh sbb komen ak.. since I have this empathy attitude.. when he start talking.. I really want to stab my hart!!!! ( imagination jela, mcm katon tu) I noe how he feels that moment ..!!!sux giler ok ak rasa ms tu.. ko ingat senag ke dia nk buka citer dgn ak?? .. susah ye.. dan ak lg2 rasa benci kat diri ni bila dia buat open statement dlm situasi mcm ni… weh.. giler hodoh perangai ak ni…

I keep telling my self to change certain attitude.. but when it come to him.. semua yg ak pegang terlepas.. mcm ada je yg xkena.. ak xtau nape jd mcm ni…dan ak sgt xsuka..

Lessons learn:
Don’t be egos
Appreciate others by saying thank you in good manner.
Think 1000 times when it comes to him.. don’t end up screwed up at the end of the day.

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